The highly defined and periodic morphology of the oxide
nanocavities[1] developed in this project (see
publications) was exploited to produce nanostructured
replicas by metal sputter-deposition techniques or polymer
melting approaches. The resulting metal or polymer
nano-bumped structures, showing degrees of ordering as high
as that of the nanocavity template, were used as effective
anti-reflection (moth-eye) surfaces.[2]
Some literature citations:
[1] J. E. Yoo, K. Lee, M. Altomare, E. Selli, P. Schmuki, Angew.
Chemie Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 7514.
[2] J. Yoo, K. Lee, P. Schmuki, ChemElectroChem 2014, 1, 64.